DOS 2018

DOS Kongressen 2018 · 265 Lateral hip pain caused by Gluteus Medius tendon injuries Marie Bagger Bohn, Bent Lund, Jeppe Lange Orthopedic, Regions Hospitalet Horsens Background: Lateral hip pain (LHP) represents a diagnostic and treatment challenge. Each year more than 1200 patients are diagnosed with LHP in the Central Region Denmark. Internationally, there has been an increased attention on gluteus medius (GM) tendon tears and tendinopathies as the cause of LHP. It has been estimated that GM injuries may be present in as many as 25% of middle-aged women and 10% of middle-aged men. Yet, protocolled diagnostic and treatment regimens are not well established and there is a pronounced lack of general knowledge on GM injury as the cause of LHP. Purpose / Aim of Study: To evaluate a series of patients with LHP due to GM injury diagnosed via MRI scans. Materials and Methods: From September 2017 - May 2018 data on patients with LHP due to GM injury were prospectively collected at Regional Hospital Horsens. Clinical tests, subjective outcome measures and MRI scans were used to identify and assess patients. Patients with positive MRI scans for GM injury were included in this evaluation. Findings / Results: We evaluated 33 patients (28 women), with a mean age of 52.5 years (range 16- 80 years). Mean duration of symptoms was 55 months (range 5-240 months) prior to our diagnosis. The HAGOS score was S: 45 ± 19, P: 52 ± 19, ADL: 45 ± 26, SP: 32 ± 21, PA: 19 ± 18, QOL: 25 ±14. OHS score 27 ± 8.5. VAS score: at rest: 2.9 (0-7), during activity: 5.9 (0-10) and worst pain 8.3 (5-10). Conclusions: GM injury must be considered as a cause of LHP, especially if the pain is resistant to injection with corticosteroid in the trochanteric bursa. The vast majority of our patients had LHP for many years and tried numerous cor- ticosteroid injections. We found that a dedicated MRI protocol could reveal GM injury. Baseline HAGOS and VAS scores of patients with LHP due to GM injuries are poor. 206.