DOS 2018

258 · DOS Abstracts EFFECTIVENESS OF SPINAPOSTURE BRACE TREATMENT FOR IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS: FIRST PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 11 PATIENTS. christian wong, Jan Nielsen, Thomas Andersen dept of orthopedics, hvidovre hospital; Bandagist Jan Nielsen A/S; Dept of Orthopedics, Rigshospitalet Background: The bracing of today are constructed to correct the frontal plane deformity of idiopathic adolescent scoliosis (AIS). The Spinaposture brace is a lighter proprioceptive soft-fabric brace to enhance rotational axial stability of the spine by inducing a kyphosing correction in frontal plane for smaller curve AIS. Purpose / Aim of Study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Spinaposture brace in the management of AIS. Materials and Methods: Eleven patients with AIS were treated with Spinaposture brace with an initial average Cobb angle (CA) of 18.4 dg. (de- grees) and no previous brace treatment. Firstly, the initial radiographic examina- tion was in both anterioposterior (AP) and lateral projection with and without the brace for selected patients. Secondly, patients were followed prospective with AP radiographs with an interval of 3-6 months during their brace usage with an average of 15.9 months or until skeletal maturity. Findings / Results: The initial correction in the brace was a 18 % decrease of CA in the AP plane and a kyphosing effect of 23 % in the sagittal plane. In the prospective follow-up 7 patients improved, 6 patients regressed to less than 10 degrees of CA, 2 were unchanged and 2 progressed. The average improve- ment was 5.1 dg. of CA. In blinded evaluation by two raters, there were good interobserver variation (ICC; 0.85), and there was significance better outcomes by statistical binominal analysis in comparison with natural history (.000). Conclusions: The Spinaposture brace have an initial correcting of CA and kyphosing effect, which seems to improve CA. Conservative treatment with Spinaposture was effective in halting scoliosis progression in this first pilot study. For the majority of AIS with a CA of 13-25 degrees the spine decreased in CA and 5ven regressed to straight spines. Conflict of interest: Christian Wong: Patent shareholder, Spinaposture brace Jan Nielsen: CEO, Bandagist Jan Nielsen A/S 199.