DOS 2018

248 · DOS Abstracts Use of postoperative mobilization restrictions after primary THA arthroplasty in Scandinavia - a questionnaire based study Kirill Gromov, Anders Troelsen, Maziar Modaddes , Ola Rolfson, Ove Furnes, Geir Hallan, Antti Eskelinen, Neuvonen Perttu , Henrik Husted Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hvidovre Hospital; Department of Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Department of Orthopaedics, Haukeland University Hospital; Department of Orthopaedics, COXA Hospital for Joint Replacement Background: Postoperative mobilization restrictions have traditionally been applied following total hip arthroplasty (THA) in an attempt to reduce the risk of dislocation. However, recent studies have questioned the effect and rationale underlying such restrictions. Purpose / Aim of Study: The purpose of this questionnaire based study was to investigate the use of postoperative restrictions and describe differences in mobilisation protocols following primary THA in Denmark (DK), Finland (FIN), Norway (NO) and Sweden (SWE). Materials and Methods: All hospitals performing primary THA’s in participat- ing countries were identified from the latest national THA registry rapports. A questionnaire containing questions regarding standard surgical procedure, use of restrictions and postoperative mobilization protocol was distributed to all hospi- tals through national representatives for each arthroplasty registry. Findings / Results: 77%, 78%, 74% and 84% of hospitals in DK, FIN, NO and SWE returned the completed questionnaire. This corresponded to 98%, 94% 83% and 87% of all primary THA’s performed in the respective countries. Posterolateral approach and neutral liner was used by 77% and 65% of the hos- pitals respectively. 93% of the hospitals had a standardized mobilization proto- col and 98% allowed immediate full bearing. 50%, 43%, 36% and 19% of the hospitals in DK, FIN, NO and SWE, respectively, did not have any postoperative restrictions. If utilized, restrictions were applied for a median of 6 weeks. 68% of all hospitals changed their mobilisation protocol within the last 5 years – all to a less restrictive protocol Conclusions: Use of postoperative restrictions following primary THA differs between Scandinavian countries, with 19% to 50% allowing mobilization with- out any restrictions. There is a strong tendency towards less restrictive mobili- sation over the last 5 years 189.