DOS 2018

214 · DOS Abstracts Long term follow-up of patient reported outcomes and objective measures after acute Achilles tendon rupture: preferred surgical treatment vs. preferred functional rehabilitation Laurine Nilsson, Inge Lunding Kjær, Andrius Kazlauskas, Jonas Bloch Thorlund, Marianne Christensen Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital; Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Aalborg University Hospital Background: The optimal treatment for acute Achilles tendon rupture remains debated. Despite several studies comparing treatment regimens, long-term follow-up data is sparse. Purpose / Aim of Study: We aimed to compare patient reported outcomes and objective measures of function in acute Achilles tendon rupture patients treated with a regimen preferring either surgical treatment or functional reha- bilitation, measured 4 years after rupture. Materials and Methods: 76 patients (22 women, 54 men) with a mean±SD age of 54±13 at follow-up, who had followed a regimen with surgical treatment or functional rehabilitation as preferred treatment was included in a 4 years fol- low-up. Patients were treated at Aalborg University Hospital and recruited from the Danish Achilles Tendon Database. At 4 years follow-up patients completed the Achilles Tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS) and performed objective physi- cal measurements. Adverse events for the 4- year period was noted. Students t-test and mixed effect model was used for statistical data evaluation. Findings / Results: We found no significant difference between the two treat- ment regimens in ATRS-scores at 1, 2 and 4 years follow-up. Similarly, we found no difference in change in ATRS-score between groups over time (group x time interaction, p=0.85). Objective measures at 4 years follow-up were no differ- ent between regimens, calculated both in absolute and relative values. Number of adverse events in both groups was few and statistical comparison was not performed. Conclusions: 4 years after an acute Achilles tendon rupture no differences were found in ATRS, objective measures and incidence of adverse events be- tween patients following a regimen preferring surgical treatment versus a regi- men preferring functional rehabilitation. 155.