DOS 2018

DOS Kongressen 2018 · 187 The effects of rotation on radiological parameters in the Spine. christian wong, Johanna Hall, Kasper Gosvig Dept of Orthopedics, hvidovre hospital; Dept of Radiology, hvidovre hospital Background: Vertebral rotation in straight spines or in spines with small scolio- sis may potentially affect measurement of radiological parameters in both the frontal and sagittal plane. This is important, since it could lead to potential mis- diagnosis of scoliosis and other clinical consequences, and until now, this has not been examined. Purpose / Aim of Study: To examine the effect of axial vertebral rotation of the spine on measurement of common radiological parameters. Materials and Methods: Reconstructions from computed tomography scans of 40 consecutive included and anonymized patients with straight spines or small scoliosis. Fourteen sagittal and coronal reconstructions covering the whole pelvis and spine were executed. Radiographic parameters in both the frontal and sagittal plane were measured blinded and separately by three doctors. These parameters were evaluated for inter-rater reliability using intra-class correlation coefficient and mixed model analysis for the effects of rotation. The parameters were also analyzed sub- stratified according to ‘Lenke’s classification’ and 15 sub-categories of thoracic and lumbar Cobb’s angle. Findings / Results: Vertebral rotation in general does not have any significant effects in both the frontal and sagittal plane. However, there are significant ef- fects on lumbar and spinopelvic radiologic parameters in moderate to extreme rotation or for larger scoliosis. Interrater reliability was very good to good. Conclusions: In conclusion, axial spinal rotation does not influence common radiological parameters in the frontal and sagittal plane, except in cases of ex- treme rotation or large scoliosis for selected parameters, thus this does not lead to potential misinterpretation in scoliosis diagnosis, treatment or research. 128.