Page 130 - DOS Kongressen 2012 - Abstracts

Equestrian related trauma cases received at Rigshospitalets
TraumeCenter 2011
Mads Holm Møller, Henrik Grønborg
Department of Orthopedic Surgery & Rigshospitalets TraumeCenter
Rigshospitalet; Department of Orthopedic Surgery & Rigshospitalets
TraumeCenter, Rigshospitalet
In 2011 a surprisingly high number of traumas due to horse-
related activities presented at Rigshospitalets TraumeCenter (RH-TC).
Purpose / Aim of Study:
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the
patterns of these horse- related injuries and investigate any possible connection
between use of protective devices and severity of injury.
Materials and Methods:
A retrospective study of trauma patients (both
primary and secondary referrals) with equine-related injuries received at RH-
TC in 2011 was performed. Data such as age, gender, type and mechanism of
injury, Injury Severity Score (ISS), surgical interventions and duration of stay
at Rigshospitalet were collected from hospital files. A follow-up interview
n=30) with focus on use of protective gear, sick leave and disability was
Findings / Results:
patients (27 females) were received at RH-TC after
horse-related injury. Median age was 25,5 years [7-64]. Most were injured by
falling from a horse (26/32) during recreational activity (27/32). The median
equine experience was 17 years [0-50] and only 5/30 did not wear protective
gear. Median sick leave was 14 days [0-300] and 16/30 still complain about
various disabilities. Most injuries were located to the head, neck & face
spine, extremities (9/40 each) and chest (7/40). Median ISS was 4 [1-
Ten patients had surgery (5 ORIF of fractures, 2 neurosurgical
interventions, 2 chest tubes, 1 splenectomy). Three patients had intracranial
hemorrhage (2 of them wore helmet). None with severe injury to the spine
used a vest for spinal protection.
Despite common use of helmets severe injury to the head is still
frequent. Protective vests are rarely used and lesions to the spine are frequent
amongst non-users. Horse riding is dangerous and continuous information
regarding preventive use of protective gear is necessary.