Mindeord – Annette van Hauen

DOS æresmedlem, tidligere sekretær Annette Van Hauen er død.

Annette var en vigtig krumptap for DOS’ arbejdet. Hun bestred posten som sekretær for bestyrelse i rigtig mange år stort set uden at få noget for det. Mange i af de nuværende lidt ældre DOS medlemmer husker Annette som DOS’ ansigt udadtil. Altid velorienteret og med en legendarisk klæbehjerne huskede hun små detaljer om medlemmerne og kunne eksempelvis genkende dem, når de ledte efter navneskilt ved de daværende forårs og efterårsmøder.

DOS skylder Annette stor tak for det store arbejde hun ydede for selskabet.

Æret være Annette Van Hauens minde.


Bestyrelsen Dansk Ortopædisk Selskab

International Congress of Arthroplasty Registries: 11.-13. nov. 2021

On behalf of the chariman of the local organising committee Soeren Overgaard and the president of ISAR Ola Rolfson, attached find the inviting letter with general information and abstract submission regarding the 10th Annual Congress of Arthroplasty Registries – 2nd virtual meeting, November 11-13 (14), 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Attached you will also find information about publication of your manuscript in CORR.

Congress partner CAP Partner for registration at ISAR congress website
Registration will open: August 1st, 2021.
Contact person: Hanne Kvalheim at hk@cap-partner.eu

Deadline for submission of abstracts: August 15th, 2021
Decision before September 15th, 2021

We are looking forward seeing you at the virtual meeting.

2 reviderede KKR vedr forfodskirurgi

Læs de to reviderede KKR fra Dansk Fod Ankelkirurgisk Selskab vedr. forfodskirurgi:


Udmåling af intermetatarsalvinkel 1 (IM-1)

Belastet eller ubelastet røntgen ved Hallux valguskirurgi/forfodkirurgi


Alle KKR findes her


Høring af 2 KKR frem til 15. maj 2021


Fod-ankelkirurgisk selskab har revideret nedenstående 2 KKR, som hermed sendes i høring frem til 15. maj 2021.


Klik venligst på linket mhp at downloade KKR og evt. afgive et høringssvar.

Lisfranc – ny diagnosekode: DS926

Lisfranc læsionen får sin helt egen diagnosekode pr. 1. april 2021.

Dette vil sikre bedre mulighed for opfølgning og forskning.

Den nye, unikke diagnosekode for ”Lisfranc læsion” dækker alle skader i/omkring dette kompleks.

DOT og DFAS har været inde over processen. SST har nu godkendt de nye koder, der kommer med i SKS-udgaven per 1. april.


Lisfranc læsion kodes fremadrettet:

DS926         Lisfranc læsion

DS926A      Lisfranc læsion uden luksation

DS926B      Lisfranc læsion med luksation 



DS933A      Luksation i articulatio tarsi transversa 

DS933B      Luksation i tarsometatarsalled 



Med venlig hilsen

Inge Lunding Kjær
Specialeansvarlig Overlæge, Klinisk Lærer

Fagområdet for Fod og Ankel Kirurgi

Aalborg Universitetshospital

Gratis Open Access Publication med Elsevier

Kære kollegaer!

Elsevier har indgået en gratis open access aftale med en lang række danske institutioner og mange relevante ortopædkirurgiske tidsskrifter

Husk at benytte dig af aftalen og læs mere her

Eligibility criteria

  • The corresponding author must be affiliated with a participating institution.
  • Articles must have an original submission date between 01.01.2021 and 31.12.2024



Aalborg University
Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering
Aarhus University
Copenhagen Business School
Copenhagen University Library
Dania Danish Academy of Business and Technology
Danish Bran Technical Institute
Danish Defense Library
Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science
Danish National Institute of Social Research
Danish National Police
Dignity Danish Institute against Torture
European Environment Agency
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
IT University of Copenhagen
National Library of the Faroe Islands
National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Roskilde University
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture Design and Conservation
Royal Library-Administrative Library
State Serum Institute
Technical University of Denmark
University College Absalon
University College Copenhagen Sigurdsgade Campus Library
University College Lillebaelt
University College of Northern Denmark
University College South Denmark
University of Copenhagen
University of Greenland
University of Southern Denmark
VIA University College

EBOT exams

Dear Presidents, dear National Delegates,

Dear EFORT Board, Executive and Committee Members,

Dear Members of the EFORT O&T Community,


Please let us take this opportunity to advise you – as members of the EFORT O&T Community – of the following key dates for this year’s EBOT Interim and Final Exams:


  • Interim exam: Tuesday, 23 March 2021 10:00 to 13:00 CET – more information and registration through http://www.ebotexam.org/interim/
  • Final exam: Written part on Wednesday, 16 June 2021 10:00 to 13:00 CET
  • Oral part (in English): Saturday and Sunday, 02 & 03 October 2021
  • Oral part (in Spanish): November 2021 (details to be confirmed yet)


Application for the final exam is open through the website at www.ebotexam.org, application deadline being 31 March 2021 11:59 CET.


If you could distribute this information and promote among your network, this would be greatly appreciated.


For any questions and further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch at any time through ebotexam@efort.org.


Many thanks in advance for your kind collaboration and support towards further harmonising training and education in Europe.


Best regards and stay safe and healthy.


Nina Nürnberger | Corporate Governance & Membership Services Manager
Tel +41 21 343 4402 | Mobile +41 78 781 71 17 | nina.nuernberger@efort.org


EFORT Head Office
ZA La Pièce 2 | 1180 Rolle | Switzerland
Fax +41 21 343 4411 | www.efort.org


Virtuel RSA kongres: 10.-12. maj 2021

Dear RSA Friends, clinicians and researchers,

The world has changed, in a different way than we thought when 2020 started. It brought sorrow, but also a sense of the importance of togetherness.

It has been a tough year both for patients, clinicians as well as researchers alike.


Some of you worked in workgroups, although this has been hard due to the covid-19 pandemic and its extra burden on your work load.

Nevertheless, Stephan Rörhl picked up the challenge with us to organise a virtual meeting from Oslo.  The dates are May 10-12, 2021, during which we host 150 min sessions.

See for details https://meeting2021.radiostereometry.org/

Although the future is not as bright as we hoped at this time of the pandemic, it will be bright again!

We would like to wish you

an Energitic healthy 2021


…. and see a virtual you during our congress in May 2021


Best wishes,

On behalf of Maiken Stilling, Johan Kärrholm, Mike Dunbar, Bart Kaptein



Stephan Rörhl, congress president 2021                               Rob Nelissen, president





Dear RSA friends, clinicians and researchers!

The registration for the 1st virtual conference is now open!


To register klick here:



or go to the homepage:


Important date:

Abstract submission deadline: February 1st 2021



Julehilsen fra bestyrelsen