Workshop: Ny Målbeskrivelse (15. november 2022) – Tilmeld dig nu!

Tilmeld dig til info og workshop vedr. den nye målbeskrivelse!

15. november 2022 (dagen før DOS Kongressen)

Pris: 750 kr inkl forplejning

Læs mere: LINK

Tilmed dig her: LINK

Rejselegat til USA på 9.000 USD

Henrik og Emilie Ovesen Foundation

Rejselegat til USA for 2023 er på ca 9.000$, og kan evt. deles i 2 legatportioner. Legatet gives til en speciallæge i ortopædisk kirurgi eller til en cand. med., der har påbegyndt hoveduddannelse eller ph.d. studium inden for ortopædkirurgi.

Ansøgning skal for at kunne bedømmes indeholde:

  • kortfattet curriculum vitae,
  • rejseplan, rejsemål og
  • budgetoverslag.
  • vedlæg evt. et brev fra den institution du ønsker at besøge.

Legatet gives til studieophold (ikke kongresser).

Udbetales ca. 1. juli 2023

Ansøgning, som skal være modtaget senest 15. februar 2023, bedes fremsendt på mail til professorsekretær Fie Tillie Schlippe på


På bestyrelsens vegne

Thomas Baad-Hansen

Anders Troelsen

Acta Orthopaedica – Young Researcher Award

Acta Orthopaedica Young Researcher Award

The award will be selected among papers published during the previous year to a person, member of the national society of a NOF member country.

A young researcher is defined as a person who is not a specialist or senior scientist. The person shall be the first author and has not been awarded the PhD-degree.


The papers are evaluated by the editors. With the award goes the price of Euro 1000. 


Notification is done during the submission of the manuscript.


The winner of the price will be appointed in 2023 based on papers published in 2022.


Please distribute this to all your members.


March 18th, 2022

Soren Overgaard


NOF Congress udskudt til 7.-9. sept 2022

Postponement NOF Congress to 7-9 September 2022

Due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the subsequently uncertain situation, also concerning Lithuania, the NOF has decided to postpone the NOF Congress 2022 (which was planned from 10-13th of May) to Wednesday 7-9th of September 2022.

We owe the Lithuanian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology a debt of gratitude for being able to organise this event on a new date.

We invite you all to register for this NOF Congress (click here) and we look forward to meet you all in a peaceful Vilnius!

Ragnar Jónsson, President NOF

Acta Orthopaedica: abonner nyhedsbrevet!

Kære medlemmer!

Acta Orthopaedica har pr. 1. januar skiftet forlag.

Fremadrettet vil DOS ikke længere opsætte og videresende Acta Nyhedsbrevet, men dette fremsendes direkte fra Acta, såfremt man abonnerer på nyhedsbrevet.

Klik her for at abonnere Acta nyhedsbrev

Klik her: første nyhedsbrev.


For the last 3 years you have received a bimonthly e-mail from your national society including the latest new issue of Acta with links to all articles and the issue as an e-zine.

We will now stop the production of separate issues; articles will as per usual be available online (PubMed and PubMedCentral) as soon as they are produced but will no longer be distributed using the issue model.

The new monthly Newsletter will replace the traditional Acta issue, comprising the latest published articles (10-15), some of them in a Selected Highlights section accompanied by a short commentary.

The Newsletter will also be a forum for whatever is of orthopedic interest. We welcome supplementary material; please contact me or


Best regards,

Anders Rydholm

Editor-in-chief, Acta Orthopaedica

NOF kongressen 11.-13. maj 2022 (1000 EUR grant, 250 EUR resident discount)

Congress grants (€1.000) for the NOF Congress 2022

in Lithuania available

The NOF offers residents and young orthopaedic surgeons economical support to attend the NOF Congress. The congress grant includes travel (economy) and hotel costs (economy) and may not exceed €1.000 per person. A limited number of participants will be accepted for this grant (first come, first served).
Read more about requirements and application



Candidates should meet the following requirements.

  • Member of a NOF member country association or society
  • Resident or orthopaedic surgeon
  • Not older than 40 years of age
  • Acceptance of an abstract in the scientific program (oral presentation) of the NOF Congress


Application by e-mail to NOF Secretary General with attached:

  • short Curriculum Vitae
  • estimate of travel and hotel expenses
  • copy of the abstract submission


Grant application deadline: 1 March 2022


DOS has also 15 resident discount vouchers. There are still some available, if you are a resident attending NOF, please contact


Abstract deadline: 10 January 2022 – extended until 1 February 2022.