DOS 2019

DOS Kongressen 2019 · 11 Guldsponsor Sølvsponsor Inviterer til frokost symposium “Stemless Shoulder Arthroplasty 10+ Years of Clinical Data & Experience” Torsdag d. 26. oktober 2017 Kl. 12.15 – 12.45 Lokale: Casino Ballroom DR. MED. Sven Lichtenberg Deputy medical director ATOS Clinic Heidelberg r. Sven Lichtenberg studied and trained at Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg and University of edicine and Dentistry, Newark, NJ, USA. He furthered his training as a fellow surgeon under Prof. abermeyer and Prof. Steinbrück at the Sports Clinic Stuttgart. Since 1999 Sven has been a Senior hysician and Practice Partner at the ATOS Clinic Heidelberg. He has been involved in over 40 distinct ournal publications focusing on shoulder surgical treatments and abnormalities. r. Lichtenberg performs surgical treatments for all shoulder conditions including total shoulder econstructions, arthroscopic tendon reconstruction and repair, arthroscopic instability repair, shoulder rauma fracture, and AC joint separation repair. Arthrex Eclipse™ Stand nr. 3 Stand nr. 29 Stand nr. 4 Stand nr. 13 Stand nr. 18 Stand nr. 19