DOS 2020

DOS Kongressen 2020 · 203 Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Peter Hald, Jakob Klit University of Copengagen ; Department of Orthopedics, Zealand University Hospital, Køge Background: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is a frequent sur- gery, that is performed 2500- 3000 times annually in Denmark. Rehabilitation after ACLR is crucial to achieve satisfactory results after the surgery. Purpose / Aim of Study: The aim of this litterature study is to explore the scientific basis behind key physiotherapeutic modalities connected to ACLR re- habilitation. Futhermore the purpose is to examine, how long time the patient is associated with physical therapy aswell as what allows return to sports. Materials and Methods: The literature-search was performed in PubMed. Five systematic reviews was included in this study and the scientific quality was as- sessed using AMSTAR-checklist. Findings / Results: No significant benefit is found using bracing, and the effect of neuromuscular stimulation is inconclusive. Home-training and supervised training is equally effective. Early activation of the knee in full ROM and iso- metric exercises from week 1 are concluded to be beneficial. The difference in efficiency of CKC and OKC seeks further studies. EMS statistic significantly in- creases quadriceps-strength, but long-term follow-up studies are required. The optimal length of the rehabilitation program is concluded to be 9-12 month, with a criterion of goal- based progression and return to sports after satis- factory results in a test-battery. Further studies of what test-battery should contain are required. Conclusions: Rehabilitation after ACLR is concluded to have a optimal length of 9-12 months, the progression should be goal-based and no brace is needed. Return to sport is possible when satisfying evalation in test-battery is obtained. Further studies are required. 182.