DOS 2020

DOS Kongressen 2020 · 197 Lateral hip pain due to gluteal tendon pathology. Marie Bagger Bohn, Bent Lund , Kasper Spoorendonk, Jeppe Lange Orthopedic, Horsens Regional hospital; Physiotheraphy, Horsens Regional hos- pital Background: Tendinopathy and tendon lesions of m. gluteus medius and/or minimus insertions insertions at the greater trochanter are often often under- or misdiagnosed in patients with lateral hip pain (LHP), and thus, treated insuf- ficiently. Purpose / Aim of Study: The purpose of this study was to evaluate evalu- ate baseline data in patients with MRI-verified gluteal pathology, in order to enhance the knowledge of this patient group in the orthopedic co community. Materials and Methods: Data were prospectively collected between between September 2017 and June 2019. Patients with a positive MRI for gluteal gluteal pathology were included in the study study. Baseline testing included a patient interview, pain scoring, clinical tests, a 30-second chair stand test (30-s CST) and patient reported outcome outcome measures (Copenhagen hip and groin score (HAGOS), Oxford Hip score (OHS) and EQ-VAS. Findings / Results: The cohort included 93 patients (94% women women) with a median age of 53 years years. Median duration of symptoms was was 24 months. Typical complaints were were present. Most patients had an insidi- ous insidious onset of LHP. Pain (NRS, 0-10) at rest was 3.8 (SD 2.6), during activity activity 5.8 (SD 2.5), and worst pain at any any given time 8.5 (SD 1.4). Two different different pain profiles were identified. Palpation Palpation of the greater trochanter was positive in all patients, the Trendelenburg Trendelenburg test was positive in 87% and the FADER test in 84%. Hip range of motion and hip strength assessed assessed by a handheld dynamometer showed showed side-to-side differences. Patients were able to perform 12 repetitions in the 30-s CST on average. Patient reported outcomes showed showed a decreased physical function and quality of life. Conclusions: This study indicates that patients with LHP with an MRI-verified gluteal pathology pathology display characteristic symptoms, impaired physical function, and poor subjective outcomes. The results results are based on a het- erogeneous study study population in terms of stages of gluteal gluteal pathol- ogy and co-morbidities and should be interpreted with this in mind. 176.