DOS 2020

196 · DOS Abstracts Results of operative treatment of posterior ankle impingement syndrome in ballet dancers Julie Krogh Pedersen Ortopædkirurigsk afd, Køge Sygehus Background: Posterior ankle impingement syndrome (PAIS) is a syndrome characterized by pain in the hind foot that occurs in forced plantar flexion, most- ly seen in ballet dancers. Dancing ballet requires extreme plantar flexion of the talocrural joint and these positions may lead to PAIS. Impingement syndrome can be secondary to a painful os trigonum, which is a common morphological variation associated with PAIS in dancers. Purpose / Aim of Study: The purpose of this literature review is to provide knowledge about PAIS and to evaluate the results of operative treatment of PAIS in ballet dancers. Materials and Methods: A systematic search of PubMed was undertaken, us- ing the search words ‘posterior ankle impingement syndrome’ and ‘ballet’. A to- tal of 29 publications were found of which af total of 10 publications evaluated the results of operative treatment in ballet dancers. Reviews were excluded, and in the end nine studies were included. Primary outcome was the subjective degree of satisfaction with the surgery from poor to excellent. Secondary out- come was the time from surgery until returning to dance. Findings / Results: All of the included publications found post-operative out- come better compared to pre-surgery in most cases. Three studies graduated satisfaction on a scale. Two evaluated the degree of satisfaction on a scale from poor to excellent with an average of 80,1% in the good or excellent group, ranging from 73,2% to 90%. One study reported better or much better post- operative outcome in 90,8% of cases. All publications reported most patients back into dance after surgery, ranging from 73,2% to 100%. 6 of 9 studies investigated the period of return to dance after surgery, ranging from 5 to 10 weeks. Only one study investigated time until pain free dance with an average time of 17,7 weeks. Conclusions: Operative treatment of PAIS in dancers, either open or endoscop- ic, is a succesfull surgery providing satisfactory pain relief and return to dance, in most cases within a few months. Future research should have a prospective design, evaluating pre-operative pain score compared to post-operative. 175.