DOS 2019

DOS Kongressen 2019 · 181 Prober training and education may eliminate the learning curve when chancing implant in a high volume total knee arthroplasty unit Lasse E. Rasmussen, Thomas Lind-Hansen, Bjørn Gotlieb Jensen Orthopedic Dept , Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle Sygehus Background: When shifting total knee arthroplasty (TKA) brand, a 2-3-fold in- crease in early revisions occur as a result of a learning curve, most evident dur- ing the first 15 procedures (1). The Stryker Triathlon knee has previously shown a learning curve (1). Our unit consists of highly dedicated knee arthroplasty surgeons with more than 10 years of experience, with the Vanguard knee. We shifted from the Vanguard knee (Zimmer Biomet) to the Triathlon knee (Stryker) in May 2018. Purpose / Aim of Study: To investigate whether the learning curve can be reduced when changing implant, this study describes outcome regarding early revisions, oxford knee score (OKS) and forgotten joint score (FJS) from the ini- tial 3 months after changing primary implant and compared to the previous Vanguard knee. Materials and Methods: Retrospective cohort study. Preoperative, 3 month and 1 year OKS and FJS was measured and compared between the two implants. Revisions for any cause for patients operated after the introduction of the im- plant was measured and compared to early revisions with the previous implant. All surgeons participated in an education program, provided by the manufac- turer (Stryker), consisting of a 2-day course with theoretical education and cadaveric surgery, before May 2018. A company representative was present during the surgery for the first 10 procedures by each surgeon Findings / Results: Triathlon knee: 138 procedures (5 Surgeons, May 2018 – Sept 2018). Vanguard knees: 128 procedures (same surgeons) from August 2017 – Oktober 2017. Early revisions (within 3 months) in the triathlon group = 0. The first revision was observed 7 months after introduction due to he- matogenous infection from pneumococcus pneumonia. Re-admission within 30 days = 0 in both groups. 3 patients were revised within the first year in the Vanguard group. No difference was seen in FJS and OKS, when comparing the Triathlon to the Vanguard. Conclusions: Introduction of a new implant can be done without a learning curve, with satisfactory outcome and without any increase in revisions if care is taken to properly educate surgeons prior to the introduction. (1) J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Dec 4;95(23):2097- 103. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.L.01296. 137.