Acta Orthopaedica: abonner nyhedsbrevet!

Kære medlemmer!

Acta Orthopaedica har pr. 1. januar skiftet forlag.

Fremadrettet vil DOS ikke længere opsætte og videresende Acta Nyhedsbrevet, men dette fremsendes direkte fra Acta, såfremt man abonnerer på nyhedsbrevet.

Klik her for at abonnere Acta nyhedsbrev

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For the last 3 years you have received a bimonthly e-mail from your national society including the latest new issue of Acta with links to all articles and the issue as an e-zine.

We will now stop the production of separate issues; articles will as per usual be available online (PubMed and PubMedCentral) as soon as they are produced but will no longer be distributed using the issue model.

The new monthly Newsletter will replace the traditional Acta issue, comprising the latest published articles (10-15), some of them in a Selected Highlights section accompanied by a short commentary.

The Newsletter will also be a forum for whatever is of orthopedic interest. We welcome supplementary material; please contact me or


Best regards,

Anders Rydholm

Editor-in-chief, Acta Orthopaedica