Abstracts 2014 - page 229

DOS Kongressen 2014 ·
Osseointegrated (OI) Prothesis for Upper Limb
Klaus Kjær Petersen, Peter Holmberg Jørgensen
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Conventional socket prothesis in upper limb amputees do not al-
ways fullfill demands for stability, comfort and function. OI prothesis is an op-
tion for upper limb amputees without or with insufficient function of a socket
Purpose / Aim of Study:
We present the concept and our early experiences.
Materials and Methods:
Since 2013 four patients have been treated with a
two stages operations, where a titanium fixture is surgically inserted into the
bone of the amputated limb, and (up to 3 monts later) a skin penetrating abut-
ment to which the prosthesis is attached is inserted.
Findings / Results:
1.Woman, 56 years old, who had a MP- joint amputation
of the dominant thumb. OI-procedures were completed 18 months ago and
the patient is now wearing a finger prothesis. The patient has a stable and firm
pinchgrib. She can hold a cake stand, knit, do embroidery cross stitchs and has
some sensory feedback (osseoperception). 2. Male truck driver, 41 years old
with a 10 cm short proximal humerus stump following a traumatic amputa-
tion. Conventional socket prosthesis was not possible. The patient is now using
a mechanical prosthesis without elbow joint and is able to shift gears, control
joystick on the truck crane and write. 3. Male carpenter, 49 years old with par-
tial amputation on proximale phanlanges of 1., 2. and 3. finger on the dominant
hand following frost bites. The second operation has recently been performed
and the patient is awaiting three finger prosthesis. 4. Man, 63 years old, with a
very short ulna following a traumatic forearm amputation. The second operation
has recently been performed and the patient is awaiting a stable myoelectric
forearm prosthesis and a free elbow joint.
OI prothesis is an option for selected upper limb amputees and
which can improve functionality and introduce new prosthetic technology.
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